On Sunday 23 April 2006 12:46, Shlomi Fish wrote:

> I agree that a well-defined test output protocol is useful. However, are
> you implying that assuming we have that, one can write several different
> test harnesses to process such test outputs? (I'm just guessing.)


> Wouldn't that imply duplicate code, duplicate functionality and/or
> duplicate effort?

No, why should it?

> Shouldn't we try to avoid that by making sure that we 
> have one *good* test harness codebase that can be customised using
> plug-ins, and extensions?

I don't believe that plugin systems reduce complexity in general.  I do 
strongly believe in customization, but I remain unconvinced that plugins 
promote reuse and customization as strongly as, for example, roles and 
subclasses do.

-- c

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