On Wed, May 03, 2006 at 02:10:29AM +0800, Audrey Tang wrote:
> > Is my ($foo, *, $bar) = 1..3 legal perl6?  my ($foo, undef, $bar) =
> > 1..3; is valid perl5, but AFAIK that is completely undocumented.  (It's
> > quite useful from time to time
> Most likely yes, as lvalue * can just act as a /dev/null.
> > -- now if only my (@rest, $almost, $last) =
> > function_returning_many_thingies could work...
> This may be implemented by allowing slurpy scalar _after_ slurpy array.
> But what would be the use case?

Hm, possibly I should specify what I mean by "work" -- as if I'd specified
C<< my (@last, $almost, @rest) = reverse(function_returning_many_thingies);
>>.  As to use case... um, I'm sure I've had it come up for me, but I can't
think of where it'd be terribly common such that the extra cognative
overhead is worth it, come to think of it.

I withdraw the (stupid) suggestion.

  -=- James Mastros

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