On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 05:58:57PM -0700, Allison Randal wrote:
> To summarize a phone call today, the more intelligent defaults we add to 
> differently named rule keywords the more comfortable I am with having 
> different names. So, here's what we have so far (posted both as an FYI 
> and to confirm that we have the coherent solution I think we have):
> [...]
> skip:
> - We keep :words as shorthand for :skip(/<ws>/)
> - And :skip is shorthand for :skip(/<skip>/)
> [...]

Please, describe these with <?ws> and <?skip> to make clear their
non-capturing semantic.  :-)

But Allison's message helps me to crystallize what has been
bugging me about the term ":skip" (and to a lesser extent ":words")
in describing what they do.  So, I'll offer my thoughts here
in case anyone wants to pick it up before we go a-changing S05
yet again.  (If no-one picks it up, I'll just wait for S05 to
be updated to whatever is decided and implement that. :-)

Whitespace in regexes and rules is metasyntactic, in that it is 
not matched literally.  Effectively what the :w (or :words or 
:skip) option does it to change the metasyntactic meaning of 
any whitespace found in the regex.  Or, another way of thinking
of it -- as S05 currently stands, 'regex' and 'token' cause
the pattern whitespace to be treated as <?null>, while 'rule'
causes the pattern whitespace to become <?ws>.

So what we're really doing with this option--whatever we 
call it--is to specify what the whitespace _in the pattern_
should match.  Somehow ":skip" and <?skip> don't carry that
meaning for me.

In some sense it seems to me that the correct adverb is
more along the lines of :ws, :white, or :whitespace, in that
it says what to do with the whitespace in the pattern.  It
doesn't have to say anything about whether the pattern's
whitespace is actually matching \s* (although the default
rule for :ws/:white/:whitespace could certainly provide that

I can fully see the argument that people will still
confuse :ws and <?ws> with "whitespace in the target", 
when in reality they specify the meaning of whitespace
in the regex pattern, so :ws might not be the right choice
for the adverb.  But I think that something more closely 
meaning "whitespace in the pattern means /this/" would be a 
better adverb than :skip.

If someone *really* wants to use "skip", there's always
:ws(/<?skip>/) (or whatever we choose) which means 
"whitespace in the regex matches <?skip>".

> - <sp> is a single character of obligatory whitespace

This one has bugged me since the day I first saw it implemented
in PGE.  We _already_ have \s, <blank>, and <space> to represent 
the notion of "a whitespace character" -- do we really need a 
separate <sp> form also?  (An idle thought: perhaps "sp" is
better used as an :sp adverb and a corresponding <?sp> regex?)


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