On behalf of the Parrot team I'm proud to announce another
monthly release of Parrot.

I'd like to thank all involved people as well as our
sponsors for supporting us.

What is Parrot?

Parrot is a virtual machine aimed at running Perl6 and other dynamic
languages, see <http://www.parrotcode.org/> for more information.

Parrot 0.4.4 changes and news

- hierarchical class names
- APL compiler
  - under development
  - understands simple vector ops, strings
  - demonstrates use of Unicode in Parrot
- pgc, a compiler for rules and operator precedence parsers
- Major redesign and improvements for PGE
  - compilers understand named parameter options
  - :ratchet option implemented to support non-backtracking quantifiers
- TGE (tree grammar engine) for tree transformations
  - tgc, tree grammar compiler
- perl6 compiler
  - support for many operators, lexical scalars, regex matches
- new pheme (Parrot scheme) compiler

After some pause you can grab it from

As parrot is still in steady development we recommend that you
just get the latest and best from SVN by following the directions at

Turn your web browser towards <http://www.parrotcode.org/> for more
information about Parrot, get involved, and:

Have fun!

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