With David's permission, added to:


Thanks for putting the build together!

On May 22, 2006, at 6:57 PM, David Romano wrote:

Hi everyone,
I fiddled around with PackageMaker and created packages for Pugs
(r10396) and Parrot (r12747) for OS X. I used my laptop to check if
they installed everything properly, and it seems they do. If you want
to try them out, I'd be interested in some feedback:

For now, both parrot and pugs are installed in /usr/local, and for
pugs there are symlinks from /usr/bin/{pugs,pugscc,p6doc} to their
/usr/local counterparts. If you want to see everything that is
installed with these, check out the pugs-r10396-INSTALLED.txt and
parrot-r12747-INSTALLED.txt files at the same location.


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