How about one of these?

 class Baz {
   has $.a is restricted;
   has $.b is controlled;
   has $.c is unique;
   has $.d is shared;
   has $.e is queued;
   has $.f is token;

--- John Drago <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I asked this via the Google Groups interface a few weeks ago, but I'm
> not sure if it made it here.
> I am asking again in case the question never made it onto the list.
> Has the syntax for synchronized/threaded @things been worked out?
> For example:
> class Foo is synchronized {
>   ...
> }
> our method Bar is synchronized {
>   ...
> }
> class Baz {
>   has $.Bux is synchronized;
> }
> ...or is there some new, less Java-esque way to express "only one
> thread may access this thing at a time"?
> ________________________________________
> John Drago | VP Software Engineering

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