[apologies to andrew for a dupe - didn't notice it went to perl-qa]

On 31 May 2006, at 14:35, Andrew Gianni wrote:

Let me start by admitting that I don't know a whole lot about xUnit testing.
In fact, using Test::Class is really my first exposure to the idea, so
perhaps I'm asking for something that doesn't make sense; please bear with
me in case I am.

[excellent description snipped]

In short
* Yes running one test method at a time is a sensible things to do.
* No - there currently isn't a simple way of doing this
* Good news - Ovid has submitted a patch to make it easy
* Bad news - I've been too bone idle to apply it

Hopefully I will become less lazy soon :-) Should be in the next release, which is well overdue.



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