There are alternatives to using tables for side-by-side using
paragraphs. Simply having one cell for each line, for instance, allows
for highlighting green the added lines and red the removed ones, etc.

Also realize that it is not necessarily the duty of Textile (et al) to
handle that aspect beyond text formatting. A diff or history-revision
view goes beyond the context of the tool.

Lastly, I'm not sure paragraphs belong in table cells. You could
certainly argue that a paragraph could full well be tabular data, but
I find it hard to believe that it fits the bill. (This is speaking on
an XHTML 1.0 Strict basis.)

So, in that regard, I don't believe that this is an issue. The real
reason to use Textile (for instance) is the natural ease of using it
for most things we need.

Just a thought.


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