On Sat, Jun 10, 2006 at 08:14:09PM -0700, Scott Wang wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> You are right, I found a 0 size file under the
> "cover_db/structure" folder. After I removed that 0
> size file, my "cover" worked fine to merge all the
> data and generated HTML file.
> The 0 size file, I think, is because some test was
> killed for timeout because of the slow-down of the
> test process since we instrumented all test and
> product scripts with Devel::Cover. When the test
> process was killed and terminated abnormal, I think,
> Devel::Cover was still trying to grab the test process
> to generate data, so there was no any data actually
> got generated because the test processes had been
> killed. Is this a reasonable explaination to the 0
> size data file?

It sounds plausible, but there could be any number of reasons.  Perhaps
the file system filled up, or you have some rogue process running around
truncating Devel::Cover databases.

But the test process being killed probably has something to do with it.

The files in the structure directory contain information about the
structure of files.  That is, the statements, branches and conditions in
the file, and other similar data.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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