jerry gay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
audreyt++ pointed out on #parrot that there doesn't seem to be a way
to specify where to start finding lexicals, in support of perl's
OUTER::. eg. (from S04):

    my $x = $OUTER::x;


    my $x = OUTER::<$x>;

i propose this should be specified using a three-arg form of find_lex
<find_lex_p_s_i> where the third parameter is an integer specifying
which level in the lexical chain to start the lookup.

While you can't do this with find_lex currently, you *can* do it. Tcl
walks the lexpads to find lexicals. (See

 .sub find_lex_pdd20
   .param string variable_name

   .local pmc interp, lexpad, variable
   .local int depth
   interp = getinterp
   depth = 2 # we know it's not us or our direct caller.

   # Is there a lexpad at this depth?
   lexpad = interp["lexpad";depth]
   unless_null lexpad, got_lexpad

   # try again
   inc depth
   goto get_lexpad
   variable = lexpad[variable_name]

Of course, that doesn't mean that I wouldn't like an opcode to do it for me. :-)

matt diephouse

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