Thomas Wittek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> So it looks like we can hide several multis with one sub:
> [ example ]

Maybe the type system in Pugs is not yet in such a final state to
experiment with it in all that details. I can construct other examples
or "reverse engineer" the neighbor discussion about foo("123) where it
also doesn't behave as I would expect.

> Maybe we should steal the ruby "principle of least surprise" here,
> which I find a very good principle.

I'm quite confident that Larry already stole all good principles he
could find. If there would be a "Full Metal Perl" movie, the imdb
quote collection would contain:

  "These are great days we're living, bros. We are jolly green giants,
  walking the Earth with Perl6. These principles we stole here today
  are the finest principles we will ever know. After we rotate back to
  the world, we're gonna miss not having any principle around that's
  worth stealing."

Steffen Schwigon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dresden Perl Mongers <>

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