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Can we format this a bit better?
On Jun 26, 2006, at 9:15 AM, Parrot Bug Summary wrote:

Parrot Bug Summary

Generated at Mon Jun 26 13:15:01 2006 GMT
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

  * Numbers
  * New Issues
  * Overview of Open Issues
  * Ticket Status By Version
  * Requestors with most open tickets

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------


Ticket Counts: 80 new + 202 open = 282
Created this week: 4
Closed this week: 3

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

New Issues

New issues that have not been responded to yet

1 - 2 weeks old
39454  [TODO] [easy] $svn keyword expansion$
39430  Method cache not always invalidated
39426  [BUG] Can't build with cygwin.
2 - 3 weeks old
39329  Check to make sure PMC_str_val, etc. are used appropriately
3 - 4 weeks old
39248  Parrot release 0.4.6
4 - 5 weeks old
39197  lib/Parrot/Test.pm ignores core dumps failures!
39196  [TODO] tests - need to test addmethod
5 - 6 weeks old
6 - 7 weeks old
39132  [TODO] pirtidy - call for help
7 - 8 weeks old
39092  [TODO] Autogenerate functions in *.h files from source
39088  [TODO] Add conditional GCC attributes to functions
39051  Test failure in t/pmc/objects_62.pasm (attributes)
39050  Build failure in compilers/pge/pgc.pir
39043  [TODO] Dynamic PMCs should not include 'parrot/parrot.h'
8 - 9 weeks old
39018  t/pmc/complex failures on Solaris 8/SPARC
39004  [PDD] review pdd25_threads.pod
39003  [PDD] review pdd24_events.pod
39001  [PDD] review pdd22_io.pod
39000  [PDD] review pdd19_pir.pod
38999  [PDD] review pdd18_security.pod
38998  [PDD] review pdd17_basic_types.pod
38997  [PDD] review pdd16_native_call.pod
38996  [PDD] review pdd15_objects.pod
38995  [PDD] review pdd14_bignum.pod
38994  [PDD] review pdd13_bytecode.pod
38993  [PDD] review pdd12_assembly.pod
38992  [PDD] review pdd11_extending.pod
38991  [PDD] review pdd10_embedding.pod
38990  [PDD] review pdd09_gc.pod
38989  [PDD] review pdd08_keys.pod
38988  [PDD] review pdd07_codingstd.pod
38987  [PDD] review pdd06_pasm.pod
38986  [PDD] review PDD05_opfunc.pod
38985  [PDD] review PDD04_datatypes.pod
38984  [PDD] review pdd02_vtables.pod
38983  [PDD] review PDD01_overview.pod
38969  parrot source does not conform to standards
38967  Parrot release 0.5.0
9 - 10 weeks old
10 - 11 weeks old
11 - 12 weeks old
38887  Result of INFINITY or NAN stringification is platform dependent
12 - 13 weeks old
38823  [BUG] solaris 10 w gcc
13 - 14 weeks old
14 - 15 weeks old
38764  Test results of parrot on Freebsd
15 - 16 weeks old
16 - 17 weeks old
17 - 18 weeks old
38594  [BUG] source line numbers
18 - 19 weeks old
19 - 20 weeks old
38469  [BUG] -O1 branch optimization
20 - 21 weeks old
38432  Exception thrown from constructor leads to oddness
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Overview of Open Issues

Platform           Severity           Tag                      Lang
Win32 3 abandoned 0 5005threads 0 BASIC 0 sco 0 fatal 0 notok 0 scheme 0 riscos 0 High 1 ok 0 tcl 25 qnx 0 low 1 Patch 10 urm 0 powerux 0 medium 0 regex 0 bc 0 other 0 none 0 sendToCPAN 0 punie 1 os390 0 Normal 1 Todo 176 Amber 0 os2 0 unknown 0 unknown 0 Zcode 0 openbsd 1 Wishlist 3 utilities 0 Lisp 0
next      0                      notabug       0          ruby     0
Solaris 0 library 0 python 0 sunos 0 install 1 befunge 0 svr4 0 bounce 0 bf 0 VOS 0 Bug 18 cola 0 vms 0 compiler 0 forth 0 uts 0 configure 0 jako 0 unknown 0 core 0 m4 0 unix 0 dailybuild 0 ook 0 unicosmk 0 docs 0 plot 0 unicos 0 duplicate 0 perl6 0
sysv      0                           wontfix       0
svr5      0
netbsd    0
mswin32   0
dynixptx  0
dos       0
dgux      0
dec_osf   0
darwin    0
cygwin_nt 0
cygwin    0
bsdos     0
All       2
freebsd   0
generic   0
gnu       0
MacOS X   0
macos     0
machten   0
mac       0
lynxos    0
Linux     0
irix64    0
irix      0
HPUX      0
aix       0
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Ticket Status By Version

New or Open Resolved

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

Requestors with most open tickets

Will Coleda                 48
jerry gay                   40
Joshua Hoblitt              30
Leopold Toetsch             30
Andy Dougherty               9
Matt Diephouse               9
Bernhard Schmalhofer         7
Chip Salzenberg              6
Simon Glover                 6

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------

  * Total Issues
  * New Issues
  * Overview of Open Issues
  * Ticket Status By Version
  * Requestors with most open tickets

---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- This page is CPU intensive to create, it will be updated only once every 5

Watson Ladd
- ---
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - -- Benjamin Franklin

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (Darwin)


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