Hi Chip,

I have been looking at the Parrot code for last couple of weeks. While going
through the code there were a few things that striked me. There are quite a
few places where #ifdef constructs were used to define platform specific
code (#ifdef WIN32).

I was thinking would it make sense to define a Parrot Platform API that all
parrot ports need to implement. This is very similar to the Linux kernel
source. During the build time we should be able to resolve the platform
specific code and link it in the parrot executable. There are couple of
advantages of this.

1. Define a clean API that new parrot ports need to implement.
2. Keeps platforms specific code out of the parrot's core logic.
3. The new ports will not introduce bugs for already working ports.

I have had some discusion with Leo about this and he thought it might be a
good idea to run it by you.

My initial thoughts are we could include following things could be added
to the Parrot Platform API:

1. File I/O. This includes sync as well as async I/O. For platforms that do
not have native Async I/O support we could build an emulation of Async I/O.
2. Network I/O: This would include API for TCP, UDP and possibly SCTP
(Stream control Transmission protocol).
3. Threads and Mutexes
4. Signals / Events ()
5. Environment: API to read the environment variables from OS
6. Math library (we could possibly use http://www.netlib.org/fdlibm/  for
platforms that support IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic)

The idea is to define a clean seperation between parrot and the platform
parrot is running on. The Parrot Platform API would possibly be the
interface via which the Parrot VM discovers the platform specific

A good example of a simiar abstraction is the Apache Portable Runtime (
http://apr.apache.org/). This is used in the Apache HTTP Webserver.

Let me know what your thoughts are. I would not mind writing up a draft PDD
or doing some proof of concept work.


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