> It adds a dependency on a binary application (gpg) that users have to
> install by hand, doesn't check for the presence of it properly, and if
> you don't have it, installs an enormous chain of dependencies, with said
> deps having some major issues of their own.
> It's become bad enough that Module::Signature is being pulled from
> Bundle::CPAN and being disabled by default in CPAN.pm, until
> Module::Signature gets a maintainer capable that can make it somewhat
> saner.

I think the solution (to dependency hell) is to dictate that CPAN
modules be signed with a standard algorithm.  OpenPGP allows too many
different algorithms, hence the 22 modules Crypt::OpenPGP is dependent
on.  The only strong reason to stick with OpenPGP is that it has the
whole web-of-trust and keyserver infrastructure.

If we can live without that, then I could write a small "cpansign"
script that just uses Crypt::DSA to sign the distribution, and then have
Module::Signature just verify that DSA signature.  There's still a
dependency issue, but 21 fewer of 'em.  DSA can be made to be portable
if it isn't already.  (RSA is fine too, then I could sign my modules
with my OpenPGP smartcard ;)

If we adopted this scheme, maybe we could just have authors upload their
keys to PAUSE (or some other "Trusted Source"), and have people that
want to verify distributions pull the keys down from there.

The disadvantage of this is that the PAUSE master could forge
distributions, as could someone performing a MITM attack on your key

However, this could all happen anyway.  I have a few keys of CPAN
authors in my keyring, but I've never verified the fingerprints in real
life... so for all I know, someone could be tampering with my
distributions as we speak.  This message might not really be from Jon
Rockway :)

On a related note, I sent some patches in to the Crypt::OpenPGP author a
while ago but never heard anything back.  Is that module still being

Jonathan Rockway

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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