But you’re not catching me dead using an installer that requires
me to pay attention to its development and to push up new
versions of my distros in response to its bugs. There are far
better ways to waste my time.

Good, because that's entirely the point I've been trying to make ever since I started doing maint releases of Module::Install.

Module;:Install is not finished (at 1.0) and until it is if you want to take advantage of it as an early user, you should be willing to do the occasional incremental release if something big comes up.

Module::Build is not finished (at 1.0) and until it is if you want to take advantage of it as an early user, and you use ::Compat, you should be willing to do the occasional incremental release if something big comes up.

If you ONLY use the basic functionality, and you aren't willing to pay attention, you should be using EU:MM still, until either MB or or MI hits 1.0, because neither of them are ready for general use.

I find it unfortunate that hype on both sides resulted in what I would consider overuse this early in their development, but there you go...

Adam K

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