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On Wednesday 12 July 2006 03:13, David Golden wrote:
> Tels wrote:
> > My idea was to build _only_ the database, and do it right, simple and
> > easy to use and then get everyone else to just use the DB instead of
> > fiddling with their own. (simple by having the database being superior
> > to every other hack thats in existance now :-)
> >
> > I even got so far as to do a mockup v0.02 - but then went back to
> > playing Guildwars.
> >
> > Is this a project that would be of general interest?
> At YAPC::NA, Adam Kennedy mention that he wanted to try to make some
> headway on CPAN::Index, which sounds very similar in intent.  While it's
> not released, you can see the formative project at his public repository:
> http://tinyurl.com/g888h
> Perhaps you can join forces with him and help push some collective
> project towards a release.


>B<CPAN::Index> provides object-oriented access to the CPAN index,
>using a collection of relatively common modules, and automates
>entire process of fetching and accessing the index.

Uhm, no the DB should maybe be able to have a front-end that fills it from 
the CPAN index, but you should also be able to build a DB from a local 
file, if you so wish.

>The index is stored in a L<DBD::SQLite> database file, with an object
>model implemented around it using L<DBIx::Class>. To update the index,
>the L<CPAN::Index::Loader> class implements the logic to flush and reset
>the database, fetch the index files, parse them, and repopulate the

The DB backend shouldn't matter at all, it should be transparent and be 
switchable without any noticable change at the front. Plus, I planned to 
use YAML because it creates a _much_ less heavy overhead and dependency 
chain. Using SQLite or similiar is what really creates the problems with 
CPANTS - you cant just access the raw database without the front-end. 
WithYAML, at least you could get at the data by other means. Of course for 
performance reasons it might not be good, but since premature optimization 
is the root of all evil, I'd say use YAML now, change when nec.

Otherwise, the projects seem similiar in scope, except that I focus on the 
DB and let things like "download stuff" be done outside.

Whether that works out, uh I don't know. In any event I have quite a few 
ideas I'd like to try out and this proves to be fun to me. I hope it 
doesn't end upI have to implement other people ideas - thats too much work 
like :D

Best wishes,


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 Signed on Wed Jul 12 18:54:01 2006 with key 0x93B84C15.
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