On 7/13/06, chromatic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Why is there not a Bundle::PerlPlus (and yes, I've lathered up my yak with
that name) that downloads and installs the modules that should have been in
the box?

Sure, a Bundle::PerlPlus would be fun. Installing it wouldn't be.

Perl module installation is tough. There are a lot of modules that do
a lot of different things. There are a handful of ways to install all
of those modules. There are a number of module installation modules.
These modules may be pure-Perl or require compiling. What there isn't

  $ curl go.cpan.org | sudo perl
  > install Foo
  > quit
  $ perl -MFoo ...

Exploring and using CPAN modules isn't fun. CPAN asks way too many
users for the casual explorer, plus try explaining to them how to
install a module locally. I'm not saying that this is a trivial
problem or that it's easy to solve. I'm saying that to rope people in
it's got to be Dead Fricking Simple.

Ian Langworth

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