I see two resolutions to this problem:

1) Module authors need to re-release their modules whenever Module::Install is updated.

This is extremely inconvenient, but not a terrible demand. If other authors are like me, they accumulate small minor changes to their modules, and then release when something important comes along. A new M::I is "important" and would force us to keep our "stable" CPAN modules up-to-date with our svn repositories or whatever. That's a good thing ;) , but probably not the right way of going about it. (For the record, all my M::I modules use the latest version, and I went to no special effort to ensure that. So maybe this isn't as hard as it sounds.) (The right way of going about this, BTW, is out of the scope of this e-mail... but I do have some ideas...)

2) Get M::I into the core of perl, so that everyone has a known-good tested-everywhere version.

This is the best idea. CPAN works so well because everyone has it and it's a good piece of software (lately CPANPLUS has gotten rather buggy and I've gone back to regular CPAN!).

The other solutions (like "kwality" or whatever it's called) are stopgap measures that don't fix anything. Anyone that knows about the kwality site probably reads this list ;) and knows to update M::I anyway. The other 90% of the modules are one-offs whose authors have "better" things to do, probably, than re-release their module whenever a point release of some obscure dependency is released :). For the time being, maybe someone just needs to download the broken modules, fix the inc directory, and upload them back to the CPAN ;) That would actually solve the problem. (And introduce many others, but...)

Actually now I see a third resolution: don't use M::I for CPAN modules. CPAN (the software) handles dependency installing, it's standard with perl, good enough. I do like M::I, I just can't think of why it's really necessary for CPAN modules. (For non-CPAN perl packages, though, it's a GREAT idea.)

Jonathan Rockway

I don't think I like it. It makes me nervous for some reason... For example, who's to say what constitutes a bad version of an installer (actually, this only applies to M::I, since the other installers aren't generally bundled, but I don't mind defending M::I here). In this case, you've declared every version prior to some arbitrary release to be bad. I doubt that is the case. I think there might have been problems with one or two releases, but being an old release is not the same as being a flawed release.

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