I've just finished a read-through of all the PDDs (which I said I'd do by OSCON), and will check in the embedded notes I made while reading when I can connect to svn.perl.org again (known outage, nothing to worry about).

The next step is to go through the PDDs one-by-one, updating/expanding them, and then moving them out of the clip directory. To make the best use of available brain power, we'll have open discussions about each PDD on the list as I review it. Starting with... <drum roll>... PDD 17, Basic Types. So, what's out of date, what has never been implemented (or never will be), what needs to be talked about but isn't mentioned?

(The queue of PDDs to review has a semi-random order. If you'd like to see a particular PDD get bumped earlier, drop me an email.)


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