I know, shoot me -- but just so we've discussed it and put it to bed,
maybe :if or _if or fi?


--- Aaron Crane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Larry Wall writes:
> > Maybe we should just make statement modifiers uppercase and burn
> out
> > everyone's eye sockets. :)
> I like statement modifiers, and I want them to continue to exist in
> Perl 6.
> But it seems to me that a lot of the most awkward decisions about
> Perl 6
> syntax are awkward precisely because
>   EXPR
>      if EXPR;
> and
>   EXPR;
> are so similar.
> Bearing that in mind, would the eye-socket-burning
>   return $foo
>       IF $something;
> really be so bad?
> Alternatively, perhaps it's possible to find some other morphological
> or
> syntactic device to distinguish statement_modifier:<if> from
> statement_control:<if>, for both humans and the compiler.  One option
> might
> be to require an extra token (a postfix complementizer?) before a
> statement
> modifier.  Maybe something like this:
>   return $foo
>       --- if $something;
> -- 
> Aaron Crane

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