Am Dienstag, 1. August 2006 07:20 schrieb chromatic:
> Hi all,
> Here's a patch for discussion. 

Two things come to my mind:
1) why is it creating 2 interpreters? What is the $parent used for?
   And related: is $interp ever cleaned up by calling Parrot_exit()?

2) This looks a bit bogus (there is no 'V' signature char):

  my $out_pmc = Parrot::Embed::call_sub( $interp, $sub, 'PV', '' );
  my $output  = Parrot::Embed::get_string_from_pmc($interp, $out_pmc);

It could just be:

  my $output = Parrot::Embed::call_sub( $interp, $sub, 'Sv');

by returning the STRING* directly.


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