From: Allison Randal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2006 11:51:52 -0700

   Bob Rogers wrote:

   >    From: Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   >    Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 20:50:18 +0200
   >    There's no way to get full Continuations working around such C code 
   >    except by *not* entering secondary runloops at all for these cases. This
   >    could be achieved by (optionally) returning a new PC for all vtable/MMD
   >    functions that is, by changing the internal (C) calling conventions of 
   >    all the PMC code.
   > I see a solution for simpler cases, that might even work for custom sort
   > functions, though it's certainly not painless.  Here's what I would like
   > to do for calling actions:

   Bob, could you briefly write up the problem and proposed solution as a
   [PDD] ticket for the extending, embedding, and external C API PDDs
   (10-12, and possibly 2 and 23)? How we handle exceptions and
   control-flow across C/Parrot boundaries is an important question, and I
   want to make sure we address it.


There are several possible variations on this theme, and all of them
involve a fair amount of pain, though applied in different places.  So I
think more discussion is necessary before picking a direction.

   I had hoped to produce a POC to seed the process, but didn't get
enough tuits.  I'll have some time this weekend, though, and will at the
very least post an analysis Sunday night, with or without POC.

   Does that sound alright?

                                        -- Bob

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