On 8/6/06, Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Audrey mentioned that Perl 6 is trying to avoid underscores in the
core library.

It came up when I asked why "valid" isn't called "value_id" because
if ( $user_input.valid ) { } reads fairly confusingly.

So, a few questions:

1. what is the "official" naming style for the Pelr 6 standard
library (not just functions, but methods for core objects, the MOP,
the compiler toolchain, the truely absolutely core modules, etc).

2. What is bad about underscores? From what I know most people tend
to think that $object.do_that_action is the clearest way of naming
methods, and the technical reasons to avoid these (long symbol
names, lots of typing) are no longer really valid nowadays (with
editor autocompletion, etc).

Nothing is wrong with underscores. In fact, under_scores and
camelCase/StudlyCaps should be encouraged I<in user code>. When you
see function_name() or functionName() or _functionname(), it should be
obvious to any Perl programmer that it's *not* a standard Perl
function -- it's a user/module function. When you see SCARYCAPS, you
should expect out-of-band implicit (action-at-a-distance) behaviour
from whatever code it in it.

Think of underscores and caps as a form of twigil. $scalar, @array,
%hash, &sub, &_internal, &userFunction, &user_function,
&RefugeeWindowsProgrammer, &Let_There_Be_Poetry, &MAGIC,

And, just like $scalars can hold arrays, &somesub could be a standard
function or a user function (or a standard function which a user
reimplemented -- you never know).

- Ashley Winters

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