Author: larry
Date: Thu Aug 10 17:11:54 2006
New Revision: 10804


First whack at defining semantics of MAIN subs.
Typo from Aaron Crane++.

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.pod        (original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.pod        Thu Aug 10 17:11:54 2006
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
 Some object types can behave as value types.  Every object can produce
 a "safe key identifier" (C<SKID> for short) that uniquely identifies the
-object for hashing and other value-base comparisons.  Normal objects
+object for hashing and other value-bases comparisons.  Normal objects
 just use their address in memory, but if a class wishes to behave as a
 value type, it can define a C<.SKID> method that makes different objects
 look like the same object if they happen to have the same contents.

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod        (original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod        Thu Aug 10 17:11:54 2006
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
   Maintainer: Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: 21 Mar 2003
-  Last Modified: 9 Aug 2006
+  Last Modified: 10 Aug 2006
   Number: 6
-  Version: 45
+  Version: 46
 This document summarizes Apocalypse 6, which covers subroutines and the
@@ -1326,6 +1326,8 @@
 =head2 Native types
+[This stuff belongs in S02.]
 Values with these types autobox to their uppercase counterparts when
 you treat them as objects:
@@ -1912,31 +1914,36 @@
 =head2 The C<leave> function
-A C<return> call causes the innermost surrounding subroutine,
-method, rule, token, regex (as a keyword), macro, or multimethod
-to return.  Only declarations with an explicit keyword such as "sub"
-may be returned from.  You may not return from a quotelike operator such
-as C<rx//>.
+As mentioned above, a C<return> call causes the innermost
+surrounding subroutine, method, rule, token, regex (as a keyword),
+macro, or multimethod to return.  Only declarations with an explicit
+keyword such as "sub" may be returned from.  You may not return from
+a quotelike operator such as C<rx//>.
+To return from other types of code structures, the C<leave> function
+is used.  The first argument, if supplied, specifies a C<Selector>
+for the control structure to leave.  The C<Selector> and will be
+smart-matched against the dynamic scope objects from inner to outer.
+The first that matches is the scope that is left.
-To return from other types of code structures, the C<leave> function is used:
+The remainder of the arguments are taken to be a Capture holding the
+return values.
     leave;                      # return from innermost block of any kind
+    leave *;                    # same thing
     leave Method;               # return from innermost calling method
-    leave &?ROUTINE <== 1,2,3;  # Return from current sub. Same as: return 
-    leave &foo <== 1,2,3;       # Return from innermost surrounding call to 
-    leave Loop where { .label eq 'COUNT' };  # Same as: last COUNT;
+    leave &?ROUTINE, 1,2,3;     # Return from current sub. Same as: return 
+    leave &?ROUTINE <== 1,2,3;  # same thing, force return as feed
+    leave &foo, 1,2,3;          # Return from innermost surrounding call to 
-Note that the last is equivalent to
+Note that these are equivalent:
+    leave Loop where { .label eq 'COUNT' };
     last COUNT;
 and, in fact, you can return a final loop value that way:
-    last COUNT <== 42;
-If supplied, the first argument to C<leave> is a C<Selector>, and will
-be smart-matched against the dynamic scope objects from inner to outer.
-The first that matches is the scope that is left.
+    last COUNT, 42;
 =head2 Temporization
@@ -2384,3 +2391,101 @@
 C<< OUTER::<$varname> >> specifies the C<$varname> declared in the lexical
 scope surrounding the current lexical scope (i.e. the scope in which
 the current block was defined).
+=head2 Declaring a C<MAIN> subroutine
+Ordinarily a top-level Perl "script" just evaluates its anonymous
+mainline code and exits.  During the mainline code, the program's
+arguments are available in raw form from the C<@ARGS> array.  At the end of
+the mainline code, however, a C<MAIN> subroutine will be called with
+whatever command-line arguments remain in C<@ARGS>.  This call is
+performed if and only if:
+=item a)
+the compilation unit was directly invoked rather than
+by being required by another compilation unit, and
+=item b)
+the compilation unit declares a C<Routine> named "C<MAIN>", and
+=item c)
+no explicit call to C<MAIN> was performed by the time the mainline code
+The command line arguments (or what's left of them after mainline
+processing) is magically converted into a C<Capture> and passed to
+C<MAIN> as its arguments, so switches may be bound as named args and
+other arguments to the program may be bound to positional parameters
+or the slurpy array:
+    sub MAIN ($directory, :$verbose, *%other, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) {
+       for @filenames { ... }
+    }
+If C<MAIN> is declared as a method, the name of the invoked
+program is passed as the "invocant".  If C<MAIN> is declared as a
+set of multi subs, MMD dispatch is performed.
+As with module and class declarations, a sub or method declaration
+ending in semicolon is allowed at the outermost file scope if it is the
+first such declaration, in which case the rest of the file is the body:
+    sub MAIN ($directory, :$verbose, *%other, [EMAIL PROTECTED]);
+    for @filenames { ... }
+Proto or multi definitions may not be written in semicolon form,
+nor may C<MAIN> subs within a module or class.  (A C<MAIN> routine
+is allowed in a module or class, but is not usually invoked unless
+the file is run directly (see a above).  This corresponds to the
+"unless caller" idiom of Perl 5.)  In general, you may have only one
+semicolon-style declaration that controls the whole file.
+If the dispatch to C<MAIN> fails the C<USAGE> routine is called.
+If there is no such routine, a default message is printed.  This
+usage message is automatically generated from the signature (or
+signatures) of C<MAIN>.  This message is generated at compile time,
+and hence is available at "mainline" time as the rw property
+C<&USAGE.text>.  You may also access it from your own C<USAGE> routine.
+Common Unix command-line conventions are mapped onto the capture
+as follows:
+     On command line...         $ARGS capture gets...
+    -name                      :name
+    -name=value                :name<value>
+    -name="spacy value"        :name«'spacy value'»
+    -name='spacy value'        :name«'spacy value'»
+    -name=val1,'val 2', etc    :name«val1 'val 2' etc»
+    --name                     :name
+    --name=value               :name<value>
+    --name="spacy value"       :name«'spacy value'»
+    --name='spacy value'       :name«'spacy value'»
+    --name=val1,'val 2', etc   :name«val1 'val 2' etc»
+    --                                 # end named argument processing
+    +name                      :!name
+    +name=value                :name<value> but False
+    +name="spacy value"        :name«'spacy value'» but False
+    +name='spacy value'        :name«'spacy value'» but False
+    +name=val1,'val 2', etc    :name«val1 'val 2' etc» but False
+    :name                      :name
+    :!name                     :!name   # potential conflict with ! histchar
+    :/name                     :!name   # potential workaround?
+    :name=value                :name<value>
+    :name="spacy value"        :name«'spacy value'»
+    :name='spacy value'        :name«'spacy value'»
+    :name=val1,'val 2', etc    :name«val1 'val 2' etc»
+As usual, switches are assumed to be first, and any switches after C<-->
+are treated as positionals or slurpy.  Other policies may be introduced
+by calling C<MAIN> explicitly.

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