On Wed, Aug 23, 2006 at 02:16:11AM +0800, Yiyi Hu wrote:
: #!/usr/bin/env pugs
: my $a = q:t /END/
: test
: END;
: $a.perl.say;
: Above example works ok in pugs, But the problem is.
: >From S02
: Heredocs are no longer written with <<, but with an adverb on any
: other quote construct:
:    print qq:to/END/;
:        Give $amount to the man behind curtain number $curtain.
:        END
: Which is correct?

Both of them are.  See the table further down that says:

    Short       Long            Meaning
    =====       ====            =======
    :t          :to             Interpret result as heredoc terminator


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