Jeff Stampes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> We're running Red Hat Enterprise 4, and I'm stuck at square one,
> trying to get GHC running. You need ghc working to compile ghc, or
> you need to bootstrap it.

Did you already try one of the binaries from


> Is this really as hard as it seems to me? I used to think I was
> reasonably bright

It should be easy, it's just the starting step that can be tricky,
inherently to bootstrapping in general.

But I can not really believe that RedHat doesn't have any old version
of haskell available somewhere. Have a second look, try the URLs above
for binaries and then it's really just a sequence of configure, make,
make install (and some hours of waiting between those steps). 
If in doubt, read
to get a general idea of the easiness, although it's not RedHat-driven. 

Steffen Schwigon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dresden Perl Mongers <>

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