Steffen Schwigon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I checked and indeed the twigils don't work. My test source file
> (which worked correctly some time ago) also highlights wrong. It's for
> sure a bug I introduced.

I now did some things on cperl-mode (eg. syncing with original v5.20)
and it seems highlighting of twigils generally works again.

Please try again, but in the meantime with longer variable names,
because ...

> I can't promise that it also worked with "y" as variable
> name. That's probably a second issue.

That's indeed a different issue. Using short variable names
y,tr,s,m,... with twigils still irritates it. Not yet solved.

Steffen Schwigon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dresden Perl Mongers <>

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