# New Ticket Created by  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
# Please include the string:  [perl #40316]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=40316 >

Hi there

Based on a leo's conversation on the IRC (it's all in the script docs) I
built a script that outputs the opcodes not used (tested?) on test code

This can be usefull to 100% opcode test coverage :)

Right now, only 7% of the opcodes are not used in real test code

Any hints or sugestions to the code are welcome

Have a good day,

Will work for bandwidth
--- MANIFEST	(revision 14506)
+++ MANIFEST	(working copy)
@@ -2682,6 +2682,7 @@
 tools/docs/search-ops.py                                    [devel]
 tools/docs/write_docs.pl                                    [devel]
 tools/util/ncidef2pasm.pl                                   []
+tools/util/ops_not_tested.pl                                []
 tools/util/pirtidy.pl                                       []
 tools/util/smokeserv-README.pod                             []
 tools/util/smokeserv-client.pl                              []
--- /dev/null	2006-09-08 00:59:24.343897750 +0100
+++ tools/util/ops_not_tested.pl	2006-09-11 00:31:35.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#! perl 
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Find ();
+use Cwd ();
+=head1 The problem
+10:23 <toor> # Tests - ~1/3 of opcodes are uncovered by tests <--
+             were can I see which ones are not
+             tested? (yes, maybe I want to write some tests :p)
+10:25 <@leo> toor: run 'make testr', then create a script that runs
+             disasseble $_.pbc for all @pbcs,
+             extract the opcode, sort, uniq and compare with
+             lib/Parrot/OpLib/core.pm
+10:26 <@leo> disassemble even
+10:26 <@leo> $ make disassemble
+10:28 <toor> leo: and if I make a perl5 script that does that
+             automagicly, is it usefull for the
+             project?
+10:28 <@leo> very useful
+10:28 <toor> ok, looks that I've got something to start :)
+10:28 <@leo> great, thanks
+# First of all we need the disassemble progrie
+system('make disassemble') == 0
+	 or die "Couldn't make disassemble: $!\n";
+# So, and *assuming* 'make testr' was runned already,
+#     find all .pbc on t/ to disassemble
+use vars qw/*name *dir *prune/;
+*name  = *File::Find::name;
+*dir   = *File::Find::dir;
+*prune = *File::Find::prune;
+# This struct will hold the uniq opcodes found
+my %opcodes_t;
+my $cwd = Cwd::cwd ();
+File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted}, 't/');
+# This is the callback called by File::Find..
+#      Here we get all opcodes from the result of the disassemble
+#           of the *.pbc files generated by 'make testr'
+sub wanted {
+	return unless /\.pbc$/i; # We only want *.pbc files
+	open F, "$cwd/disassemble $cwd/$name |";
+	while(<F>) {
+		s/L\w+\:\s+//;  # Remove the Lxx marks
+		s/^(\w+).*/$1/; # Extract the opcode	
+                chomp;         
+		$opcodes_t{$_} = 0;
+	}
+	close F;
+# Now parse the 'lib/Parrot/OpLib/core.pm' to find all defined
+#     opcodes
+use lib qw/lib/;
+use Parrot::Op;
+use Parrot::OpLib::core;
+# Extract the register types from each opcode
+my %opcodes_c;
+for my $op ( @$Parrot::OpLib::core::ops )
+    { $opcodes_c{$op->full_name} = 0; }
+# Now, we need to compare the two hashes
+for my $op (keys %opcodes_t) {
+        $opcodes_c{$op}++ if exists $opcodes_c{$op}
+# Count how many opcodes from core are not tested
+my @opcodes_c_tested = grep { $opcodes_c{$_} == 0 } (keys %opcodes_c);
+my $percent = ((scalar @opcodes_c_tested) * 100) / (scalar keys %opcodes_c);
+# And now send the results to the user
+print "$_\n" for @opcodes_c_tested;
+print "" . (scalar @opcodes_c_tested) . " out of " . (scalar keys %opcodes_c)
+                                      . " are not tested! ("
+                                      . int($percent) . "%)\n";
+## vim: expandtab sw=4

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