In a message dated Mon, 11 Sep 2006, Richard Hainsworth writes:
I am trying to find out how to use (in perl6) perl5 modules that contain subroutines.

Imports from Perl 5 modules don't currently work.

You can workaround this using .can, see below.

use perl5:Time::gmtime;

my $gm = gmtime();
printf "The day in Greenwich is %s\n",
(qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun))[ $gm.wday() ];
# note the change from -> to .

  use v6-alpha;
  use perl5:Time::gmtime;
  our &gmtime := Time::gmtime.can('gmtime');

  my $gm = gmtime();
  say "The day in Greenwich is {(<Sun Mon Tue
                                  Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun>)[ $gm.wday ] }";

There is no printf. You can use a string closure as above, or say/print with sprintf.

The same goes for your other example:

use perl5:Text::Balanced qw(extract_tagged);

my $txt = '<atag>now and then</atag>some text';

my @ret_pars = extract_tagged($txt); # this is line 8

print join("\n",@ret_pars),"\n";
#print "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" if $@;
# commented this out as caused a compile error, probably another
# variable should be used for errors.

  use perl5:Text::Balanced;
  our &extract_tagged := Text::Balanced.can('extract_tagged');

  my $txt = '<atag>now and then</atag>some text';

  my @ret_pars = extract_tagged($txt); # this is line 8

  .say for @ret_pars;
  say $! if $!;

$@ is no more, it's $! for all errors whatever their provender. In this case there's no need for a join, but you could have written it:

  say @ret_pars.join("\n");

if you liked.

All that said, there's a problem with Text::Balanced running under pugs; @ret_pars is reversed from what it should be. I'm not sure what's going on.


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