* Trey Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-10 23:50]:
> But the HTML methods are used everywhere.  And the more
> novitiate the programmer, the more likely they are to be using
> them spaghetti-like throughtout their code. If they discover
> that every time they see a C<start_form> it's going to entail
> new coding, they're going to rapidly get discouraged about
> porting to Perl 6.

I see that argument. So build a lean, well-designed CGI module,
but also offer a CGI5 module that aggregates the CGI stuff along
with HTML::Gen and whatnot into a CGI.pm5-compatible API melange
for easy porting.

No need to drag old mistakes along for all eternity just for the
sake of their familiarity.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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