Richard Hainsworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Thanks for help. For anyone else, the following works.
> sub infix:<grew_by_to> {...};
> (32 grew_by_to 48).say;
> sub infix:<grew_by_to> ($left, $right) {
>   return ($right/$left - 1) * 100 ~ '%';
>   };

Thanks for reporting the solution back.

And it even works with unicode operators. Looks like we finally
really get our "ankh, pentagram, and that smiley teddy bear from
that Grateful Dead album". (*) :-) Thanks to Unicode, thanks to Pugs.

(*) The senior ones of us possibly remember the good old days:

Steffen Schwigon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dresden Perl Mongers <>

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