* Fagyal Csongor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-09-20 17:00]:
> I am afraid that when I will be starting to write Perl6 code,
> it will be too much Perl5-ish,

Even with a style guide, your Perl 6 code will still be
Perl-5-ish. And even once it’s not anymore, six months later you
will discover that it’s not really Perl-6-ish either. Until you
become fluent in the language, your code is going to be less
elegant than it could be. A style guide can give you a bag of
broad hints for the most obvious things, but fluency is something
that comes from practice, and that inevitably takes time.

> and I will end up rewriting my code in every 3 months because I
> hate when my code is not elegant (at least to my own
> standards).

That’s an urge that bedevils many a programmer (myself included).
Learn to curb it. (I am trying to; I have already gotten much
better about it.) “Improving” old code that works and isn’t being
developed, purely for the sake of aesthetics, is a waste of time.

If you ever need to touch old code again for a particular reason,
then you have justification for cleaning it up. But code comes
and goes; if you focus on writing your new code better, your body
of code will automatically improve over time.

Also, don’t sweat the small stuff. When you write a grocery list,
you don’t expend a lot of thought on making it worthy of
Shakespear either.


All this is not to say there shouldn’t be a style guide for Perl
6 or that it wouldn’t help you. There absolutely should be and it
certainly would. But don’t be fooled about how much so.

Entirely aside from all these points, I think it is a bit early
to be writing a Perl 6 style guide. There are a number of
features in the language that have never been tried in the wild
in this combination, and I expect it will take a year or two at
least until the first proper best practices start to crystalise
in the community. Any guide written now would be obsolete very

That said, a cheatsheet with broad tips for arrivals from Perl 5
could already be written and will age well.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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