On Wed, Sep 20, 2006 at 05:18:12PM -0400, Aaron Sherman wrote:
: Consider this the first test of the first-classness of objects in Perl 
: 6. You have an object that's something not entirely unlike:
:   class Capture { has $.scalar; has @.array; hash %.hash  }
: I think the addition of a sigil is the wrong way to go for several 
: reasons, but most important among them is that there are going to be a 
: lot of scalars that contain objects that are awfully capture-like, and 
: they'll need whatever semantics we deem appropriate for captures too.

I don't see how that follows.  There will be lots of objects containing
lots of things that don't give a rip about having a capture interface.

: For this reason, I'd suggest putting away the Latin-1 glyphset and 
: instead focusing on developing operators to act on containers with 
: multiple access methods and their expanded forms.

There's already going to be such an operator, and it probably won't be
Latin-1.  The only question in my mind is whether it's also a sigil.

: First of all, I need a word. I'm going to call an expanded capture a 
: "signature" even though that's a bit too metaish. I don't encourage 
: others to use this term, but it helps me to get my head around this.

That's not a good choice of term, since signatures already mean something
else entirely in Perl 6.

: A signature is a bit like a list. It has no data type that you can point 
: to directly. Signatures are also probably lazy like lists.

What you're calling a signature is in fact just another capture in our

: When we want to turn a capture that is stored in a scalar into a 
: signature, we need an operator that performs that action, and 
: unambiguously does NOT perform the action of turning it into a list. I 
: suggested some in my previous message (such as <-- and $\).

The Style Police have rated those as slightly less ugly than [,]=.

: Subroutines just so happen to take signatures, so you can invoke them 
: with one:
:       foo(<-- $capture);
:       foo($\  $capture);

That's foo(|$capture) now.

: Now, you need to be able to go in the other direction. You need to be 
: able to assemble a signature and convert it into a capture. This, we 
: already have:
:       $cap = \(<-- $othercap, $a, :$b)
:       $cap = \($\  $othercap, $a, :$b)
: This would transform $othercap from a capture to a signature, add in a 
: positional and a named value and then re-integrate the resulting 
: signature as a new capture.

In my current thinking that's just \( |$othercap, $a, :$b ).

: Calling subroutines with such a thing looks nice and clean:
:       $values = \([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], $c, :mean<1>);
:       $avg1 = avg(<-- $values, :undef<ignore>);
:       $avg2 = avg(<-- $values, :undef<iszero>);
: That's as simple as you can get, and we didn't have to promote captures 
: to a new kind of sigil type to do it.

I think | is a lot nice-and-cleaner and simpler than <--.  And it
can also work as a sigil.


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