Aaron Sherman wrote:
> Carried over form IRC to placeholder the conversation as I saw it:
> We define the following in S06 as immutable types:
>     List        Lazy Perl list (composed of Seq and Range parts)
>     Seq         Completely evaluated (hence immutable) sequence
>     Range       Incrementally generated (hence lazy) sequence
>     Set         Unordered Seqs that allow no duplicates
>     Junction    Sets with additional behaviours
>     Pair        Seq of two elements that serves as a one-element Mapping
>     Mapping     Pairs with no duplicate keys
> It seems to me that there are three core attributes, each of which has
> two states:
>     Laziness: true, false
>     Mutability: true, false
>     Ordered: true, false

I don't think "Ordered" is an attribute of a collection other than in
the abstract, user-centric sense - it is a type parameter difference
(though also there are method differences etc).  Things that are not
ordered map from items to presence (or themselves, if you prefer).
Things that are ordered map from array indices to items.

> There are, thus, eight types of containers, but two (unordered, mutable,
> lazy/eager) don't really work very well, so let's say 6:

Mutable sets don't work?  I don't see why not.

>     Ordered,   Immutable, Eager:  Seq
>     Ordered,   Immutable, Lazy:   Range and/or Seq of Range?
>     Ordered,   Mutable,   Eager:  ?
>      Ordered,   Mutable,   Lazy:   Array
>     Unordered, Immutable, Eager:  Set
>     Unordered, Immutable, Lazy:   x and/or Set of x?
> In that last example, x is "an unordered range",

Sounds a bit like an iterator.


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