The documentation should distinguish between those that are just pre-defined 
characters classes (E.G., <alpha> and <digit>) and those that are special 
builtins (E.G., <before ...> and <commit>.  The former are things that you 
should be freely allowed to redefine in a derived grammar, while the other 
second type may want to be treated as reserved, or at least mention that 
redefining them may break things in surprising ways.

Mark Biggar

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Patrick R. Michaud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 11:59:32AM -0700, David Brunton wrote:
> > A quick scan of S05 reveals definitions for these seven special named 
> assertions:
> >   [...]
> I don't think that <'...'> or <"..."> are really "named assertions".
> I think that <!xyz> (as well as <+xyz> and <-xyz>) are simply special forms
> of the named assertion <xyz>.
> I should probably compare your list to what PGE has implemented and see if
> there are any differences -- will do that later tonight.
> Pm

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