在 Oct 4, 2006 10:17 AM 時,Damian Conway 寫到:

Audrey asked:

However, I wonder if this is too strict. Disallowing "while" and
"until" after a do block is fine (and can be coded directly in those
two statement modifier macros), but is there a reason to disallow
other modifiers?

Well, for a start, there's this syntactic problem:

    do { say "vale, munde asper"; mori(); }
        if $lang eq 'Latinus';

*nod* The use case here is

    do { .foo for @bar } if $baz;

But I guess you can always "protect" it with a parens:

    (do { .foo for @bar }) if $baz;

Which also makes the syntactic problem go away.  So indeed,
disallowing statement modifiers after do{} altogether seems sane.


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