I'm noodling around with the idea of creating an archive and index of all of the messages to the mailing list over the years for purposes of quickly finding all of the messages that have definitive information on a given topic. Simply searching on Google or through my mail spool just doesn't cut it, since there's too much discussion and too little decision (I'm not calling it signal-to-noise, since that's somewhat pejorative, and I'm not trying to say the discussion is useless, just not usually what I'm looking for).

To that end, I've got a mockup of what I'm thinking of with a handful of Larry's messages in it (in Mediawiki):


If people like it, then I'll write a tool that automatically populates the database, and the site will probably get its own hostname for future flexibility. Ultimately the categorization (which is the important part) will have to be a manual task, but it's not quite as daunting as one might think, given a MediaWiki that contains all of the messages.

Any thoughts?

Here are some other starting points if you like:

Everything by Larry (currently everything):




Last month:


One other way to go would be to take all of the summaries and start with those. Then, each message could be a link from a summary.... Then again, that could always be put in later, and finding the mapping between summaries and threads might be a pain, programmatically.

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