Karl Forner schrieb:

So in my opinion too this pmc should be rewritten. I'm ready to do it, based
on my fixedbooleanarray implementation,
but before doing it I need some answers :
Yes, I've always why ResizableBooleanArray extends FixedBooleanArray and why
FixedBooleanArray is not simply a special case of ResizableBooleanArray.

pdd17_basic_types.pod says nothing about the implementation, so whatever works should
be OK.
What are the requirements/constraints of a ResizableBooleanArray ? e.g are
unshift to be less frequent that shift ?
What's a typical usage test case ?
Should I keep the actual implementation concept : allocating by chunks of 64
bytes ?
Sorry, no answers to that, just more questions.

Is there a real difference between boolean arrays, big integers and binary data?
Are the above really different from a STRING ?
If not they could become the same thing, or at least share a common implementation.

Of course it would be nice to have all the bitwise and arithmetic methods available.
Can the C-code of the Perl5 Module Bit::Vector reused for that?

Another item on my wishlist is the interaction with the outside world. It would be nice
to be able to pass a BooleanArray|BigInt|Binary PMC directly to
image manipulation, math and encryption libraries. So something like
morphing to and from UnmanagedStruc would be cool.

Just my $0.02,

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