Jonathan Lang wrote:
What if I import two modules, both of which export a 'foo' method?

That's always fine unless they have exactly the same signature. In general, that's not going to happen because the first parameter is created from the invocant. Thus:

        use HTML4;
        use Math::BigFloat;

should give me a:

        # A divide-by-string form. Who knows why.
        our Math::BigFloat multi method div(Math::BigFloat $self:
                Str $divisor) is export {...}
        # Generate an HTML block that contains self + new content
        our HTML4 multi method div(HTML4 $self: Str $more)
                is export {...}

When exported these do not conflict. Only plain multis would conflict:

        module A;
        our Str multi foo(Str $x) is export {...}
        module B;
        our Str multi foo(Str $x) is export {...}

IMHO, it would be nice if this sort of situation was resolved in a
manner similar to how role composition occurs: call such a conflict a
fatal error, and provide an easy technique for eliminating such

I think that should probably be a warning under "use warnings", and otherwise ignored. You asked for the modules in a particular order, and that's the way they were merged. Overlaps are bound to happen sometimes.

   use Foo (foo => 'bar');
   use Bar (:foo<baz>);

That's an advisory, of course, requesting that aliases be created, but how much work that does depends on how many signatures are defined for each name. You could still call Foo::foo, of course, but yeah, this makes fine sense.

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