On Tuesday 03 October 2006 13:41, Aaron Sherman wrote:

> This contains the Makefile, README, .pg grammar, a -harness.pir that
> executes the parser on a sample string and dumps the parse tree and a
> -stress.pir that runs 50,000 trial runs to see how fast PGE is (not too
> shabby is the answer, as it comes in at about 1/2 the time of a P::RD
> version for the simple example, and gets a bigger lead the more complex
> the input expression).

I can't get this to work.  If I run 'make' in the target directory, I get a 
PASM file (with the .pir) extension.  Then if I run either of the PIR files, 
I get:

$ parrot wptest-harness.pir 
error:imcc:syntax error, unexpected LABEL, expecting $end
        in file 'wptest.pir' line 3
Parsing simple expression: 1+(1+1)
Null PMC access in get_bool()
current instr.: 'main' pc 24 (wptest-harness.pir:21)

-- c

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