
Jonathan Lang wrote:
class GenSquare does GenPoint does GenEqual
  has Int $.side;
  method equal ( GenSquare $p --> Bool )
     return $self.GenPoint::equal($p) and $self.side == $p.side;

This is exactly what I don't want. Such an equal method needs to be
written in each and every class the role GenPoint is composed into.
This is what I call a burden instead of code reuse by means of role
composition. But I guess our points of view are hard to reconcile.
You and the current spec see the class having the final word whereas
I think that the role takes over responsibility. This does not require
a telepathic compiler. Simply giving priority to the role suffices.

Having the role in charge nicely matches the fact that the guarantee
of doing a role makes a stronger claim than being an instance of a
class. Doing the role happens with objects from different classes.
And now imagine that some classes implemented equality correctly and
some don't. With my approach the chance for this is diminished to
a correct class specific implementation that is required and used by
the role.

Regards, TSa.

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