I cant find it in the spec pdd07 but I though Chip said no curlies on single statements bodies of ifs

if ( foo )
bar(); else

I view lines as a valuable resource. I like to fit whole functions on the screen when possible so I'm more of a fan of

if (foo) bar();
else bat();

Curlies are ok with me too, but I think a decision against curlies was made.
if (foo) { bar(); }
else { bat(); }

Andy Lester wrote:

On Oct 17, 2006, at 3:33 PM, Kevin Tew wrote:

   if (!info->thaw_result)  info->thaw_result = pmc;
   else                               *info->thaw_ptr   = pmc;

No, definitely not.

if ( foo ) {
else {

Andy Lester => [EMAIL PROTECTED] => www.petdance.com => AIM:petdance

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