On Wed, Oct 18, 2006 at 06:55:16AM -0700, Jonathan Lang wrote:
> TSa wrote:
> >Jonathan Lang wrote:
> >> If at all possible, I would expect Complex to compose Num, thus
> >> letting a Complex be used anywhere that a Num is requested.
> >
> >This will not work. The Num type is ordered the Complex type isn't.
> >The operators <, <=, > and >= are not available in Complex.
> They can be:
>  $A > $B if $A.x > $B.x | $A.y > $B.y;
>  $A < $B if $A.x < $B.x | $A.y < $B.y;
> This also allows you to unambiguously order any arbitrary set of
> complex numbers.

If I'm reading that correctly then there are values of $A and $B for which
$A > $B and $A < $B are simultaneously true. If so, that doesn't invalidate
your statement about ordering, but there will be different orders depending
on whether you order by < or >

Nicholas Clark

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