
Hmm, no one seems to read the article! There actually is another class
GenLocSquare that combines GenSquare and GenPointMixin. With that we
get a modified version of my code as follows:

role GenEqual
   method equal( : GenEqual $ --> Bool ) {...}

role GenPointMixin
   has Int $.x;
   has Int $.y;
   method equal( ::?CLASS GenEqual $self: ::?CLASS $p --> Bool )

This additional GenEqual type bound on the self type is all
that is needed to get the superclass interface as described
in the article.

      return super.equal(p) and  # <-- handwave

        return call($p) and  # normal superclass call, but I still
                             # think that super.equal reads better.

             self.x == $p.x and self.y == $p.y;

class GenSquare does GenEqual does GenPointMixin

  class GenSquare does GenEqual

   has Int $.side;
   method equal ( : ::?CLASS $p --> Bool )
      return self.side == $p.side;

And finally the combined class

  class GenLocSquare is GenSquare does GenPointMixin

I initially dropped it because I thought that roles can see
the pre-composed class somehow. But as Jonathan explained they
don't---at least not in compile-time class composition. And
for runtime composition you get the empty class for free!

Regards, TSa.

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