On 10/23/06, Jonathan Worthington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Karl Forner wrote:
> I've added one C src file, say src/foo.c, and include/parrot/foo.h, and
> test in t/src/foo.t.
> I've changed the MANIFEST file accordingly, but I can not manage to
> have my
> foo.o file to be added in libparrot.a (after a make clean;perl
> Configure.pl
> ;make)
> What did I miss ?
Not sure if you've solved this yet, but just a guess: did you try a
"make realclean"?

Yes, but that does not change anything. My file does not appear in the
Makefile (except for foo.h).
I have absolutely no clue of the process used to generate the list of C
files to be linked into the parrot interpreter.

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