Using either of those flags ( PObj_private0_FLAG or PObj_private2_FLAG ) break other tests.

I'm up for more suggestions.

Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Am Sonntag, 29. Oktober 2006 21:25 schrieb Kevin Tew:
I've had :init implemented for a couple of weeks now, but I can't check
it in because it needs its own flag.

I think I've answered that already. Again:

    SUB_FLAG_CORO_FF      = PObj_private0_FLAG,
    SUB_FLAG_C_HANDLER    = PObj_private0_FLAG, /* C exceptions only */

is/are runtime flags/s( and usuable as well as:

    SUB_FLAG_TAILCALL     = PObj_private2_FLAG,

SUB_FLAG_PF_INIT      = PObj_private2_FLAG

Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
t/codingstd/c_code_coda.t            2   512     2    2 100.00%  1-2
t/codingstd/cuddled_else.t           1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/codingstd/tabs.t                   1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/compilers/imcc/reg/spill.t         1   256     9    1  11.11%  5
t/compilers/imcc/syn/objects.t      11  2816    11   11 100.00%  1-11
t/compilers/imcc/syn/tail.t          1   256     6    1  16.67%  6
t/compilers/pge/p6regex/01-regex.              495    1   0.20%  324
t/compilers/tge/grammar.t            2   512     3    2  66.67%  1-2
t/dynpmc/subclass_with_pir_method    2   512     2    2 100.00%  1-2
t/examples/pir.t                     1   256    19    1   5.26%  5
t/examples/streams.t                 4  1024    12    4  33.33%  3 5 7-8
t/library/dumper.t                   2   512    26    2   7.69%  12 26
t/library/mime_base64.t              1   256   552    5   0.91%  550-552
t/library/pg.t                       0     6    43   77 179.07%  5-43
t/library/streams.t 5 1280 20 5 25.00% 9-10 15-16 19
t/op/calling.t                       7  1792    96    7   7.29%  39-41 54 64
t/op/gc.t                            2   512    22    2   9.09%  10 13
t/op/sprintf.t 308 37 12.01% 32-33 37-43 56 64 144 153 187
                                                                191 194-196
216-223 225-
                                                                232 304-306
t/op/string.t                        1   256   160    1   0.62%  144
t/pmc/delegate.t                     2   512     9    2  22.22%  8-9
t/pmc/freeze.t                       2   512    25    2   8.00%  24-25
t/pmc/mmd.t                          3   768    39    3   7.69%  29-31
t/pmc/object-meths.t                15  3840    34   15  44.12%  13-15 21-25
t/pmc/objects.t 15 3840 78 15 19.23% 17 50-51 53-55
                                                                59 64 68-71
t/pmc/parrotobject.t                 3   768     5    3  60.00%  2-3 5
t/pmc/resizablestringarray.t                   173   10   5.78%  65-68 75-76
                                                                83-84 91-92
t/pmc/sub.t                          1   256    58    1   1.72%  58
t/pmc/threads.t                      2   512    20    2  10.00%  13-14
t/stm/queue.t                        3   768     4    3  75.00%  1-3
t/stm/runtime.t                      2   512     5    2  40.00%  4-5
t/tools/smartlinks.t               255 65280    65  129 198.46%  1-65
8 tests and 532 subtests skipped.
Failed 31/260 test scripts, 88.08% okay. 246/8079 subtests failed, 96.96% okay.
make: *** [test] Error 1

SUB_FLAG_PF_INIT      = PObj_private0_FLAG
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
t/codingstd/c_code_coda.t            2   512     2    2 100.00%  1-2
t/codingstd/cuddled_else.t           1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/codingstd/tabs.t                   1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/compilers/pge/p6regex/01-regex.              495    1   0.20%  324
t/dynpmc/dynlexpad.t                 4  1024     6    4  66.67%  2-5
t/dynpmc/subclass_with_pir_method    1   256     2    1  50.00%  2
t/library/mime_base64.t              1   256   552    5   0.91%  550-552
t/library/pg.t                       0     6    43   77 179.07%  5-43
t/op/calling.t                       2   512    96    2   2.08%  95-96
t/op/debuginfo.t                     1   256     6    1  16.67%  4
t/op/lexicals.t                      1   256    41    1   2.44%  22
t/op/sprintf.t 308 37 12.01% 32-33 37-43 56 64 144 153 187
                                                                191 194-196
216-223 225-
                                                                232 304-306
t/pmc/resizablestringarray.t                   173   10   5.78%  65-68 75-76
                                                                83-84 91-92
t/tools/smartlinks.t               255 65280    65  129 198.46%  1-65
8 tests and 532 subtests skipped.
Failed 14/260 test scripts, 94.62% okay. 168/8079 subtests failed, 97.92% okay.

SUB_FLAG_PF_INIT      = PObj_private7_FLAG
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
t/codingstd/c_code_coda.t            2   512     2    2 100.00%  1-2
t/codingstd/cuddled_else.t           1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/codingstd/tabs.t                   1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/compilers/pge/p6regex/01-regex.              495    1   0.20%  324
t/dynpmc/subclass_with_pir_method    1   256     2    1  50.00%  2
t/library/mime_base64.t              1   256   552    5   0.91%  550-552
t/library/pg.t                       0     6    43   77 179.07%  5-43
t/op/calling.t                       2   512    96    2   2.08%  95-96
t/op/sprintf.t 308 37 12.01% 32-33 37-43 56 64 144 153 187
                                                                191 194-196
216-223 225-
                                                                232 304-306
t/pmc/resizablestringarray.t                   173   10   5.78%  65-68 75-76
                                                                83-84 91-92
t/tools/smartlinks.t               255 65280    65  129 198.46%  1-65

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