Am Samstag, 4. November 2006 16:17 schrieb Patrick R. Michaud:
> Because 'Match' doesn't define its own set_integer_keyed_int
> vtable entry, it ought to be inheriting the one from Capture.
> But unfortunately, the default.pmc function above gets in the
> way, and redispatches the keyed_int call as a keyed call,

Class inheritance from PMCs is very static still (like PMC-only cases). I hope 
that the :vtable patches will provide the base for a better solution. For 
now, you can only implement the mssing _integer_keyed cases in Match so that 
default isn't triggered. We could of course remove the defaults too, but that 
would need a very complete set of these keyed vtables on all PMCs.


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