On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 09:20:08PM -0800, Allison Randal wrote:
> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> >
> >Now implemented in r15882 as shown above, sans the helper 'init' 
> >method (which I'll add later tonight).  Examples are in 
> >languages/perl6/ and languages/abc/ .
> So, with a thumbs up on that modification, I've attached a patch that 
> does two things: a) keeps strict functionality boundaries so the 
> controller object does the controlling, and the compiler objects for 
> PAST and POST do only compiling; and b) makes it possible to override 
> the grammar used for the PAST-to-POST transformation. ABC passes all its 
> tests, and Perl6 doesn't fail any more tests than it was failing before. 
> (I made it a patch because it's a refactor that's easy to show but 
> convoluted to explain.)
> chromatic's suggestion is to replace the series of manual calls in 
> HLLCompiler's 'compile' method with an iterator over an array of 
> compiler tasks. 

I very much agree with chromatic -- indeed, this is mainly why I didn't
go with putting "ostgrammar" methods into the HLLCompiler object
before.  Having HLLCompiler effectively hardcode a sequence
of parser-astgrammar-ostgrammar feels a bit heavy-handed to me,
almost saying that "we really expect you to always have exactly
the sequence source->parse->ast->ost->pir->bytecode, and you're
definitely using TGE for the intermediate steps".

I guess if we expect a lot of compilers to be making language-specific
derivations or replacements of the ast->ost stage then putting the
ost specifications into HLLCompiler makes some sense, but I
totally agree with chromatic that a more generic approach is
needed here.  And what I had been aiming for in terms of "array
of compiler tasks" was something like "array of compiler stages",
where each compiler stage is itself a "compiler" (in the compreg
and HLL compiler sense) that does the transformation to the
next item in the list.  And each compiler stage knows the
details of how it performs its transformation, whether that's using
TGE or some other method.  Putting transformation details like
the ostbuilder and apply steps into HLLCompiler still feels wrong
to me somehow, although I did come around to agreeing with the
idea that the commonly repeated details for source->parse and
parse->ast belong in the default 'compile' method for compiler

Part of me really wishes that each compiler task would end
up being a standardized 'apply' or 'compile' subroutine
or method of each stage.  In other words, to have compilation
effectively become a sequence like:

    .local pmc code
    # source to parse tree
    $P0 = get_hll_global ['Perl6::Grammar'], 'apply'
    code = $P0(code, adverbs :flat :named)

    # parse tree to ast
    $P0 = get_hll_global ['Perl6::PAST::Grammar'], 'apply'
    code = $P0(code, adverbs :flat :named)

    # ast to ost
    $P0 = get_hll_global ['POST::Grammar'], 'apply'
    code = $P0(code, adverbs :flat :named)

    # ost to result
    $P0 = get_hll_global ['POST::Compiler'], 'apply'
    code = $P0(code, adverbs :flat :named)

Here the 'apply' functions in Perl6::PAST::Grammar and
POST::Grammar are simply imported from TGE and do the steps
of creating the builder object and then applying the grammar.
The 'apply' function in Perl6::Grammar would just be a
standardized start rule for the parser grammar (and can
be directly specified as such in the .pg file).

If we could standardize at this level, then a compiler simply
specifies the sequence of things to be applied, and the above
instructions could be implemented with a simple iterator over
the sequence.  This is _really_ what I was attempting to get at 
by having separate compiler objects for PAST, POST, and friends, 
except that instead of calling the standard function 'apply' 
I was using 'compile'.  Part of me thinks that 'apply' and
'compile' are pretty much the same thing, in the sense that 
both refer to using some sort of transformer "thing" to
change from a source representation into an equivalent target.


At any rate, even if we go with the approach outlined in the
patch, I have to say that I'm not at all keen on the method
names 'astcompile', 'ostcompile', etc. in the patch. 
When I read 'astcompile' it sounds to me like it's a method 
to compile an ast into something else, when in fact the method 
in the patch is compiling some source into an ast.  (By analogy, 
we speak of "Perl 6 compiler" and "PIR compiler" as being 
things that consume Perl 6 and PIR, not the things that that 
produce Perl 6 or PIR.)

So at the very least I'd prefer to have those methods called
'get_ast' or 'make_ast' or something much less likely to
cause confusion.  Indeed, the reason why I went with simple
'parse' and 'ast' method names in the original is because the 
method name tells me what it is that I'm getting back, much like 
an accessor.


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