Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 29. November 2006 05:50 schrieb Matt Diephouse:
> It also means that "string", "int", and "float" no longer work as MMD
> types -- you can't distinguish between native types and PMCs. I think
> this is the right way to go now that we have autoboxing; I don't see
> any reason to differentiate.

I don't think this is the best strategy. It seriously prevents all native type
optimizations. While 'Integer' should be MMD-distancewise close to 'int', it
should not be the same.

What native type optimizations? Using S, I, and N registers? If using
an I register is faster, wouldn't you want to unbox an Integer PMC and
use an I register anyway?

Is there a specific case you have in mind?

Matt Diephouse

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