At 9:34 AM +0000 12/29/06, Luke Palmer wrote:
When do we do integer/rational math and when do we do floating point math?

That is, is 1 different from 1.0?  Should 10**500 be infinity or a 1
with 500 zeroes after it?  Should 10**10**6 run out of memory?  Should
"say (1/3)**500" print a bunch of digits to the screen or print 0?

These are just examples.  Exponentials are the easiest to think about
limit cases with, but the whole general issue needs precise semantics.

Related to that question, I'd like to draw the list's attention to a #perl6 discussion that several of us had today:

Following from this, I propose that we have distinct-looking operators (not just multis) that users can explicitly choose when they want to do integer division/modulus or non-integer division/modulus.

For example, we could have:

  div - integer division
  mod - integer modulus
  /   - number division
  %   - number modulus

Or alternately:

  idiv - integer division
  imod - integer modulus
  ndiv - number division
  nmod - number modulus

And in that case, "/" and "%" would be aliases for an alphanumeric pair that can be changed using a lexical pragma; they would default to ndiv/nmod.

In that case, the explicit "/" and "%" use would be subject to change behaviour depending on the influence of a pragma, while explicit idiv/imod/ndiv/nmod use would stay the same no matter what pragma is in effect.

Note that the i/n variants would cast all their arguments as Int/Num before performing the operation as appropriate; they do *not* simply do non-integer work and then cast the result.

Change spelling to taste (eg, they could be spelled Int::Div/Int::Mod/Num::Div/Num::Mod instead), but I hope you get the point of what I was saying.

-- Darren Duncan

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